About Us

Who is Ellsartsyworkshop?

Ellsartsyworkshop is the name, the brand that describes a family's journey to producing unique and exclusive greeting cards. We want to be a sustainable, environmentally friendly small business that has only one goal: to make you or your loved ones happy.


How was Ellsartsyworkshop founded?

It all started with Ellie, my mother, who inspired me, Annie, with her love of crafts. As I watched her for years making quilling cards, Christmas toys made from hazelnuts, decorative wreaths and much more, a passion was born.

Making 3D cards for my dad Niko's birthday, drawing and coloring clothes, learning different editing programs and much more have increased my interest in expanding my creativity.

I guess it was just a matter of time!

July 11, 2020 was the date when it all began. 3 years and more in which I have shared my hobby with everyone and put a smile on people's faces.