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Ellsartsyworkshop values ​​fair prices. There is something for everyone in our catalog. We offer a wide range of products for different needs and occasions. We have many loyal customers, many of them from Germany, who are all satisfied with their purchases, keep coming back and leave honest reviews about their experiences.

What drove us to start our journey was our passion for uniqueness. Like anyone looking for the perfect decoration or gift, we need to feel like our home is always one step ahead. When we combined this with our love for creativity, Ellsartsyworkshop was born!

Our products are very popular on Etsy!
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Our greatest pride is producing sustainable home decorations. Our items are made of wood and are designed for repeated, infinite use. We love upcycling and renovating old items. We don't let discarded items end up in the trash!

We try as much as possible to limit our negative impact on the environment. Where possible, we try to limit the use of plastics in our packaging, while still packing your beautiful items as safely as possible. We participate in the recycling of used packaging by reusing boxes, foil and other packaging materials.